Lord Rama Characteristics Family Tree And Life Story

Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, is one of the most revered deities in Hindu mythology. His life and virtues, as described in the ancient epic Ramayana, provide timeless lessons of righteousness, compassion, and duty. This article delves into the remarkable characteristics of Lord Rama, highlighting 100 of his defining traits.

Table of Contents

100 Characteristics of Lord Rama

1. Dutiful

Lord Rama is known for his unwavering commitment to duty, exemplified by his willingness to accept exile for 14 years to honor his father’s promise.

2. Compassionate

His empathy and kindness towards all beings, including animals and the downtrodden, are central to his character.

3. Just

Lord Rama always upheld justice, ensuring that right and wrong were clearly defined and maintained.

4. Brave

He demonstrated immense bravery in numerous battles, notably against the demon king Ravana.

5. Loyal

His loyalty to his family and friends, especially his devotion to his wife Sita, is legendary.

6. Wise

Rama possessed profound wisdom and understanding, often sought by others for advice and guidance.

7. Humble

Despite his divine origin, Lord Rama remained humble and approachable.

8. Patient

His patience in the face of adversity is a testament to his strong will and character.

9. Truthful

Rama was a paragon of truth, never swaying from honesty in his actions and words.

10. Protector

He is revered as a protector of dharma (righteousness) and his people.

11. Generous

His generosity knew no bounds, always willing to help those in need.

12. Intelligent

Lord Rama was known for his sharp intellect and strategic thinking.

13. Forgiving

He showed forgiveness, even to those who wronged him, reflecting his magnanimous heart.

14. Respectful

Rama treated everyone with respect, regardless of their social status or background.

15. Devout

His devotion to the gods and adherence to religious duties was exemplary.

16. Self-sacrificing

Rama’s life is a testament to self-sacrifice, often putting the needs of others above his own.

17. Charismatic

He had a charismatic personality that inspired loyalty and admiration.

18. Leader

His leadership qualities were evident in how he led his people and his army.

19. Fair

Rama’s sense of fairness ensured that everyone received justice.

20. Resilient

His resilience in overcoming challenges and adversities is legendary.

21. Kind-hearted

His kindness and compassion for all living beings were boundless.

22. Determined

Rama’s determination to uphold dharma was unwavering.

23. Gracious

He was always gracious, even in victory, never gloating over his enemies.

24. Faithful

His faithfulness to his wife, Sita, and his commitment to their marriage is exemplary.

25. Honorable

Lord Rama’s actions were always guided by a strong sense of honor.

26. Dependable

He was someone people could always rely on in times of need.

27. Principled

His life was guided by a set of strong principles and morals.

28. Courageous

Rama’s courage in the face of formidable enemies is well-documented.

29. Empathetic

His ability to understand and share the feelings of others made him a beloved leader.

30. Visionary

Rama’s vision for a just and righteous society is a guiding light for generations.

31. Equanimous

He maintained calm and composure in all situations.

32. Generous

His generosity extended to all, ensuring that no one in his kingdom was in need.

33. Moral

Lord Rama was the epitome of morality and righteousness.

34. Supportive

He was supportive of his allies and friends, always ready to lend a helping hand.

35. Listener

Rama was an attentive listener, valuing the opinions and concerns of others.

36. Protector

He protected the weak and stood up against oppression.

37. Disciplined

His discipline in personal and public life was exemplary.

38. Kind

Rama’s kindness touched the hearts of all who knew him.

39. Diplomatic

He handled conflicts with diplomacy and wisdom.

40. Self-controlled

Rama exhibited remarkable self-control in the face of temptations and provocations.

41. Resolute

His resolve to uphold dharma was firm and unyielding.

42. Understanding

His understanding nature made him a beloved ruler.

43. Sincere

Rama’s sincerity in his actions and words was unquestionable.

44. Enlightened

His enlightened mind and spirit guided his every action.

45. Inspirational

He inspired his followers through his exemplary conduct.

46. Ethical

Lord Rama adhered to the highest ethical standards.

47. Amiable

His amiable personality made him approachable and loved by all.

48. Righteous

Rama’s righteousness was the cornerstone of his character.

49. Heroic

His heroic deeds in battle are celebrated in folklore and scripture.

50. Sympathetic

His sympathy for others’ suffering drove his compassionate actions.

51. Grateful

Rama was always grateful for the help and support of others.

52. Tolerant

He was tolerant of others’ views and beliefs.

53. Joyful

Despite challenges, he maintained a joyful and positive outlook.

54. Magnanimous

His magnanimity in victory and defeat was remarkable.

55. Skilled

Rama was highly skilled in archery and warfare.

56. Modest

His modesty, despite his achievements, was admirable.

57. Pious

Rama’s piety and devotion to the divine were unwavering.

58. Thoughtful

He was always thoughtful and considerate in his actions.

59. Noble

Rama’s noble lineage was matched by his noble deeds.

60. Articulate

He communicated his thoughts clearly and eloquently.

61. Charitable

Rama’s charity extended to all, ensuring the well-being of his people.

62. Strategic

His strategic mind helped him overcome numerous challenges.

63. Fair-minded

Rama was fair-minded, ensuring justice for all.

64. Enthusiastic

He approached life with enthusiasm and vigor.

65. Confident

Rama’s confidence in his abilities inspired others.

66. Altruistic

He always put the welfare of others above his own.

67. Persuasive

His persuasive nature helped him resolve conflicts peacefully.

68. Decisive

Rama’s decisiveness in critical moments was crucial to his success.

69. Observant

His keen observation skills helped him understand people and situations better.

70. Protective

Rama was protective of his family, friends, and kingdom.

71. Knowledgeable

He was knowledgeable in various fields, including scriptures and warfare.

72. Supportive

His support for his allies and followers was unwavering.

73. Just

Rama’s sense of justice ensured fair treatment for all.

74. Paternal

He exhibited a paternal care for his people, treating them like his children.

75. Encouraging

Rama encouraged his followers to strive for righteousness.

76. Dignified

His dignified presence commanded respect and admiration.

77. Nurturing

Rama nurtured the growth and development of his kingdom.

78. Empathetic

His empathy for others’ suffering guided his compassionate actions.

79. Respectful

He treated everyone with respect, regardless of their status.

80. Committed

Rama’s commitment to his principles was unwavering.

81. Generous

His generosity knew no bounds, helping those in need.

82. Inclusive

Rama included people from all walks of life in his endeavors.

83. Honest

His honesty and integrity were unquestionable.

84. Reverent

Rama’s reverence for the divine guided his actions.

85. Tactful

He handled sensitive situations with tact and diplomacy.

86. Inspirational

Rama’s life and deeds continue to inspire millions.

87. Disciplined

His discipline in all aspects of life was exemplary.

88. Grateful

He expressed gratitude for the support and help he received.

89. Conscientious

Rama’s conscientious nature ensured he did what was right.

90. Compassionate

His compassion for all living beings was boundless.

91. Selfless

Rama’s selflessness was evident in his actions for the greater good.

92. Wise

His wisdom guided him and others through difficult times.

93. Brave

Rama’s bravery in the face of adversity is legendary.

94. Loving

His love for his family and followers was deep and unwavering.

95. Motivated

Rama’s motivation to uphold dharma was unwavering.

96. Understanding

His understanding nature made him a beloved leader.

97. Ethical

Rama adhered to the highest ethical standards in all his actions.

98. Noble

His noble deeds were a reflection of his noble lineage.

99. Humble

Rama’s humility, despite his achievements, was admirable.

100. Righteous

Rama’s righteousness was the cornerstone of his character, guiding all his actions.

The Family Tree of Lord Rama

Lord Rama, a central figure in Hindu mythology, belongs to the illustrious Suryavansha (Solar Dynasty). His family tree includes many notable figures whose stories are intricately woven into the epic Ramayana and other Hindu scriptures. Here is an overview of Lord Rama’s family tree.

The Solar Dynasty (Suryavansha)

  1. Ikshvaku – Founder of the Ikshvaku dynasty, from which Lord Rama descended.
  2. Kukshi
  3. Vikukshi
  4. Bana
  5. Anaranya
  6. Prithu
  7. Trishanku
  8. Dhundhumara
  9. Yuvanasva
  10. Mandhata
  11. Susandhi
  12. Dhruvasandhi
  13. Bharata
  14. Asita
  15. Sagara – Famous king known for his efforts to restore the Ganges River to the Earth.
  16. Bhagiratha – Known for bringing the Ganges River from heaven to earth.
  17. Dilipa
  18. Raghu
  19. Aja
  20. Dasharatha – Father of Lord Rama.

Immediate Family of Lord Rama

  1. King Dasharatha – Father of Lord Rama.
  2. Queen Kausalya – Mother of Lord Rama.
  3. Queen Kaikeyi – Step-mother of Lord Rama and mother of Bharata.
  4. Queen Sumitra – Step-mother of Lord Rama and mother of Lakshmana and Shatrughna.


  1. Bharata – Son of Dasharatha and Kaikeyi.
  2. Lakshmana – Son of Dasharatha and Sumitra, twin brother of Shatrughna, and devoted companion of Rama.
  3. Shatrughna – Son of Dasharatha and Sumitra, twin brother of Lakshmana.


  1. Sita – Wife of Lord Rama and daughter of King Janaka of Mithila. She is considered an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi.


  1. Lava – Son of Lord Rama and Sita.
  2. Kusha – Son of Lord Rama and Sita.

Extended Family

  1. Janaka – Father of Sita and king of Mithila.
  2. Urmila – Wife of Lakshmana and sister of Sita.
  3. Mandavi – Wife of Bharata and cousin of Sita.
  4. Shrutakirti – Wife of Shatrughna and cousin of Sita.

Allies and Associates

  1. Hanuman – Devotee of Lord Rama and key figure in the Ramayana, known for his unwavering devotion and strength.
  2. Sugriva – King of the Vanaras (monkey clan) who assisted Rama in his quest to rescue Sita.
  3. Jambavan – A wise bear who played a crucial role in the search for Sita.
  4. Vibhishana – Younger brother of Ravana who defected to Rama’s side and was made king of Lanka after Ravana’s defeat.

Birth and Early Life

Born to King Dasharatha and Queen Kausalya in the kingdom of Ayodhya, Lord Rama is a central figure in the Solar Dynasty (Suryavansha). He has three brothers, Bharata, Lakshmana, and Shatrughna. Rama’s early life was marked by his education and training under the guidance of sages and his demonstration of extraordinary qualities and strength.

Exile and Adventures

The most significant phase of Rama’s life begins when he is exiled to the forest for 14 years due to a boon granted to his stepmother, Queen Kaikeyi. Accompanied by his devoted wife Sita and loyal brother Lakshmana, Rama faces numerous challenges and adventures during this period. His encounters with sages, demons, and forest dwellers highlight his commitment to dharma (righteousness) and justice.

Abduction of Sita and the Battle with Ravana

The pivotal event in Rama’s life is the abduction of his wife Sita by the demon king Ravana, ruler of Lanka. This leads to an epic quest to rescue her, during which Rama forms alliances with the Vanaras (monkey clan), including the devoted Hanuman and their leader Sugriva. The journey culminates in a fierce battle in which Rama defeats Ravana, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

Return to Ayodhya and Reign

After rescuing Sita, Rama returns to Ayodhya, where he is crowned king. His reign, often referred to as Ramarajya, is depicted as a golden age of peace, prosperity, and justice. Rama’s rule is characterized by his unwavering commitment to his duties as a king and his concern for the welfare of his subjects.


Lord Rama’s life and virtues continue to be celebrated and revered in Hindu culture. He is often depicted as the ideal man (Maryada Purushottama), embodying perfect virtue, moral integrity, and devotion. Festivals like Rama Navami and Diwali commemorate significant events in his life, and his story is retold in various forms, including literature, theater, and film.

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